Tuesday, March 22, 2011

[i was a heavy heart to carry]

So what do you do when your mind tells you that the step after Limbo could be a few different things, and you don't know which one is best?

A conundrum, most definitely, has come to plague me.

I still wish I had a wise old person telling me which choices were best. A little whisper of the things I would not really miss after awhile if I let them go. A hint as to what I should hold tight. I know that isn't realistic, but that does not stop me from wishing. I wish for a lot of unrealistic things. I can't help it. I'm a dreamer and a wisher, and I need to get my feet on the ground every once and awhile so that I can make life decisions and feel confident about them.

I live too much in my head.

I love too hard and I fear too much.

I wish I could split myself into three people and those three people could lead three different lives...and I think all three of them would be happy. But which one of the three should I be?

Tomorrow I'm going to become a redhead :o) Something that I can control. I will say I am excited about that. A couple of visits to family and friends are on the horizon. In the words of a wise and dear person, it is time to "clear [my] mind and get everything in working order." That is a bit of a weighted goal, but we shall see.


Florence + the Machine, "Heavy in Your Arms," Lungs - The B-sides

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