Monday, January 24, 2011

[i spy with my little eye]

Rather than comment on the enormity of time I've been away from my, let's acknowledge that. The last few weeks have somehow gotten away from me. There has been plenty of time for reflection, just not enough time for me to write it down. And this post may be a bit haphazard; however, that greatly resembles my current lifestyle, so perhaps it is appropriate.

Okay, so recently I have been entirely and unabashedly creepy by observing the things people are buying in line (or "on line" for you New Yorkers) ahead of me, at Target or the grocery store especially, and trying to figure out what kind of person they may be. I would hesitate to admit this, but I know that I am not the only one so I'm just going to put it out in the universe. Or the blogospehere. Or whatever. Today I had an interesting case. Mr. X was buying: packaged lean bacon, digestive aids, olive oil, a giant bag of Splenda packets, and deodorant. Now I don't want to give the impression that I'm judging these people, I mean, we all have different needs at different times, and I am no exception. Today I happened to be standing behind Mr. X in the line and my items were the following: a family size box of Honey Bunches of Oats (which I will probably finish in four days, and the family it feeds is my tummy), an equally large box of Corn Chex, some Tres'emme Volume Hairspray, 0.7mm mechanical pencils, and a giant package of staples. If we are going to talk about an odd assortment at the check out counter, I just might win. But I found myself thoroughly intrigued by Mr. X's lean bacon and olive oil and Splenda (perhaps the reason why he needed the digestive aids...). In my mind I started making up a story about him, like, he goes home from work and makes a nice little pasta dinner whilst watching True Blood (which I have never seen), afterwards adding three packets of Splenda to a glass of iced tea (despite these winter conditions) and reading the New York Times or that giant new Mark Twain biography. He was a prim man with little glasses and a sweater vest, seemed quite pleasant, completely unaware that the crazy lady behind him was thinking about the possibilities of his favorite TV show...

Anyway, it's not the only time I've done that, and if you've NEVER done this, I encourage you to do so, it is quite entertaining. And try to think about what others might think of your purchases as well. Today I seemed like a girl who eats a lot of cereal and likes to make sure her hair is perfectly volumized whilst being well stocked on school supplies. Most of that is true. However, I don't think I have had to buy pencils or staples in about four years, so that was a wild card right there, haha.

Well, I am off to rehearsal. The combination of work, rehearsal, life, and trying to sleep has preoccupied my time lately, but that is all the more reason to write! I shall get on that.

Until then, be the creeper in the shopping line, and let me know how that goes.


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